We use a wide range of silipos products. They are a soft silicone product that are great in helping to deflect pressure areas such as bunions, hammer toes and corns.
Anti-Inflammatory creams
Ideal for the use of any soft tissue trauma such as sports injuries, arthritis, bruising and common muscle aches and pains. They are great for common foot conditions such as plantar fasciitis and tendinopathies.
Anti-fungal products
Tinea or Athlete’s foot is a contagious fungal infection that affects the skin of the feet and between the toes. Common symptoms are: itching, stinging, blisters and raw skin. We have products to help with the treatment of fungal conditions.
Dr Comfort Shoes
Designed as a Diabetic shoe, Dr Comfort also provides many protective and comfort features for all to love. Dr Comfort shoes are great for anybody that needs that extra bit of comfort and fit from a shoe.
Do you want relief of dry skin or cracked heels? Specialised foot creams can help the skin to heal and rejuvenate. These are specific creams for different skin types and conditions. The products we offer allow you to select different creams to target specific conditions.
FS6 Compression socks
Compression zone technology in this amazing foot sleeve provides medical grade support for the foot structure and the Achilles tendon, graduated compression helps to improve circulation and reduce swelling. The socks are effective at relieving the pain of Plantar Fasciitis, chronic arch and heel pain and swelling in the foot.
We offer a range of orthotics from off the shelf to custom orthotics. We us a state of the art 3D digital scan for custom devices.
Orthotics can be used to treat conditions such as- flat or high arch feet, bunions or hammer toes, shin pain, growing pains, knee and hip pain & heel pain.
Frankie 4 footwear are stylish and comfortable Orthopaedic shoes designed by Podiatrists and Physiotherapists.
The sole is the foundation of a shoe! All FRANKiE4 shoes are designed to save your soles… Each style of shoe has a functional foot bed, complete with arch and heel support and loads of cushioning for that extra bit of comfort.
General Podiatry
treatment of nails, corns & callous
Ingrown toenails
Dry Needling
Children’s feet
Diabetic foot care
Wound management
Workers Compensation
Home/Hospital Visits
Outreach clinic at Orange Aboriginal Medical Centre
DVA and Medicare rebates
Gift Vouchers